Hymnambulae – Andarlīh
The light of the moon, carried through the earthen doorway. A word from the desert, a word from the mountain, a word found in water. Neither awake nor asleep, the offering quietly transcribed.
Andarlīh is the third album by the ritualistic duo Hymnambulae. Recorded in Umeå and the subterranean church of Saint Anna, located 90 metres below ground in Lapland, Sweden. Electro-acoustic ambient music, largely consisting of zither, harmonium, pedals, and tape loops.
Made by siblings Pär Boström & Åsa Boström.
Mastering: Frederic Arbour.
Published on Hypnagoga Press in 2020. CD, MC + digital.

Hymnambulae – Nausikaa
Nausikaa is the second album by Hymnambulae, a ritualistic music project by the siblings Pär Boström and Åsa Boström.
Recorded between 2016-2018, Nausikaa completes a long-held vision to combine the electroacoustic ambient music of Hymnambulae with voice recordings by the Swedish mystic, poet and translator Gunnar Ekelöf (1907-1968).
With Nausikaa, Hymnambulae continue to seek a vocabulary for the innermost and a deciphering of liminal spaces.
Mastered by Simon Heath. Voice recordings licensed by Sveriges Radio.
Published on Hypnagoga Press in 2019. CD, MC, vinyl + digital.

Hymnambulae – Orgelhuset
Hymnambulae is a music project by north Sweden based siblings Pär and Åsa Boström. Together they’ve created an album largely consisting of tape recordings of organ, piano and voices, combined with deep droning ambient. Recorded during 2015, featuring flutes by Sergey Gabbasov.
Orgelhuset was intended as a mythological house between worlds, a ceremony taking place – combining the siblings’ symbolism.
Published on Hypnagoga Press in 2016. CD + digital.